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رمز المنتج: 01-121415152-6555-355
نوع المنتج: Power Supplies
ASUS ROG Thor 1000W Platinum II EVA Gaming PSU
AED 1,999.00
بسرعة! فقط -211 متوفر الآن!
Shipping within 4 to 5 working days in UAE
انيجما تعد واحد من افضل المتاجر الاونلاين فى الامارات
رضاء العميل هو هدفنا لذلك فكل القطع شاملة سنة ضمان محلى
- The ROG Thor 1000W Platinum II is the quietest power in its class
- The Lambda A++ certification proves that the latest Thor demonstrates threatening power in silent conditions
- ROG heatsink covers key components to reduce temperature and reduce noise
- 135mm Axial-tech fan with PWM control reduces heat with low noise